Friday, November 15, 2013

Doodle Time and crab character concept

It's been too long since my last post. Lately I've been busy with work. Primarily telling stories through editing and motion graphics.

I've been getting together with artists once a month for some doodling at a coffee shop. It's been a great time to exchange ideas see other styles and artists at work, and to draw inspiration. If you are interested in joining us come to

7610 Lyndale Avenue South
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55423

on December 12th, 2013
from 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Here is a sketch I drew from the last meeting of a crab character for a story I've been developing for awhile now. More to come since it looks like this one will take off and become something. Found an audio guy who loves the idea and is willing to work with me on that side of things! I think it'll be a fun personal project and turn into something awesome.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Friday Render! Muscles

It is complete! This is the result of a lot of hard work and time. Along with this is the entire human body of muscles textured, I just decided to have some fun with it. I will be adding this to my website and reel soon. Thanks to all who have followed me throughout this entire process.

Also we are picking up the Monthly Draw again. If you are interested shoot me a message at and I will let you know how to get involved! This months topic is Draw your imaginary friend from childhood or draw your best friend. Doodle on folks!

Thursday, August 2, 2012


My internship at Meditech ends tomorrow. :( On the plus side they put me in charge of Meditechs weekly "Friday Render" where they come up with some sort of awesome or fun render and post it on facebook. My time here has been really grand and I am walking away with tons of experience and good friends and colleagues. Keep your eyes open for tomorrows update which will include the final render and a video. Other great news is I did some low poly bones for an App that Meditech developed and it was a part of the presentation that Meditech had at a convention. It was a huge hit, tons of people were wanting to install it and take it home to show people! Sometime soon it will be released on both the Apple and Android markets for free! It allows you to rotate around and zoom in/out of a 3D scene of a surgical procedure on an arm, pretty cool stuff. The plan is to have it so that it can work on anything between a number of smart phones and of course the Ipad. I will post links as soon as I get them.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Creepy? yes

Getting there. Got one more week here at meditech to perfect this shot. Here we go!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Muscles environment wip

So yeah. This is just looking super awesome and I can't wait to render this thing out when it's done at 100% quality!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Muscles are complete!

The muscles are finished!!!! After all this time it is done. The next step is to have some fun building some sort of environment around him.