Monday, March 19, 2012

Covered Bridge even more WIP

So I'm in my final week at school and it's coming down to the wire. Due on wednesday this is where it is at now. Got a few changes to make but I'm happy with the direction it is heading!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Monthly Draw 2

The next monthly draw topic has been provided by Kayla, the keeper of the "My Cartoon Brain Log" blog.

Those participating already have it but for those of you interested in joining send me a message and we will get you set up, but for now let this inspire you.

the topic is: Create your own super hero, and then create a movie poster or 1st issue comic book cover for your hero.

Have fun! Draw!

Joseph Siemsen

Self Portraits

I haven't done self portraits in probably 2 years, but I needed some for my portfolio "about Joe" page so here are 2 of them.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

1st Montly Draw! Topic: Island

So it's the last day it can go up but it was good to have this little extra project to work on while I did finals to help me recharge. It's amazing what doing something for fun can do for the moral. So here it is, my island.